Dear …
The time is fast approaching again for our Annual __(Type of Event)__, which takes place this year on __(date)__ at __(location)__. As you may know, __(Name of Organization)__ has been providing funding for __(type of services provided)__ since __(year)__. There is an ever-growing, enormous need in our world to __(briefly describe need)__. Knowing we cannot help every single __(type of person)__ out there in need, we continue to move forward knowing that we do make a difference for those whose lives we can touch, through our Annual __(Type of Event)__ fundraising efforts.
Some of the projects we have funded over the years include:
- __(List and briefly describe project)__
- __(List and briefly describe project)__
- __(List and briefly describe project)__
Last year, we exceeded our fundraising goal by __($amount)__ and were able to fund __(example: the gift of sight for a child)__ with the extra funds. This year our goal is to raise __($amount)__. Participants in our __(Type of Event)__ raise money through their sponsors with 100% of all the tax deductible proceeds going directly to these __(type of)__ projects. No administrative expenses are deducted from the proceeds. Any and all expenses are entirely absorbed by __(briefly explain how expenses are absorbed)__.
We are sending this letter to you today to ask for your help in spreading, to your __(staff/congregation/etc.)__, awareness of __(Name of Organization)__ and our Annual __(i.e. ten-mile Walk-A-Thon)__. Kindly pass along to everyone that this fundraising event day is not entirely dedicated to the __(Type of Fundraising activity)__ itself. The day also includes great family entertainment and activities including live music and a free picnic lunch. Some of the __(Type of project workers – i.e. missionaries)__ will even be present to speak to the crowd and answer any questions about __(i.e. the projects they’re involved in)__. It’s a fun day for everyone and those who have participated in the past attest to that by coming back year after year!
With your help, we hope to get even a greater number of participants and sponsors out this year. Enclosed, you will find a Brochure that provides more detailed information about our organization and the projects we fund. We can’t thank you enough for your willingness to help our upcoming __(Type of Event)__ and ask that you contact us at __(phone #/email address/etc.)__ to let us know what type of support we can expect from your __(staff/congregation/etc.)__ this year. We look forward to hearing from you soon and will be happy to drop off the required supply of Brochures and Sponsorship forms.
Thank you again for supporting us in__(this fundraising event, our work in God’s Kingdom, etc.)__.
Sincerely yours,