Dear …
I am writing to the leaders of our business community today on behalf of __(name of organization)__. We have encountered some very pressing issues in the last __(length of time)__, which has left us with a shortfall in our funding. We are asking members of our business community for support during this time of __(need/crises/etc.)__
The primary function of our organization is to provide __(briefly describe the primary function)__. One of situations we have recently encountered is the __(briefly describe situation/project)__. As a __(type of organization)__ organization, we are compelled to offer __(support/aid/help/etc.)__ to these people as best we can. More often than not, we are their only hope.
Some of the other projects that are currently drawing on our organization’s funding include:
- (list project)
- (list project)
- (list project)
Our goal is to raise __($amount)__ which will provide us with the adequate funding to provide the kind of __(support/aide/help/etc.)__ that these special __(people/projects)__ require. All donations to __(name of organization)__ are tax deductible and a Tax Receipt will be issued immediately upon receipt of your donation. Even if we received as little as __($amount)__ from members in our business community, we would be able to reach our goal in no time. Every little bit helps and every little bit will be stretched to its fullest potential.
Enclosed you will find a return envelope for you to send your contribution with ease and convenience. I thank you in advance for your kind consideration.