Dear …
RE: __Name of Campaign/Drive)__
As you may know __(Name of Organization)__ provides __(type of services provided)__. Over the past few years, we have seen a growing need for a __(briefly describe need)__ because of __(briefly describe why)__. This year, we have found a higher need than ever for __(type of funding/donations)__, so we are asking members of our__(community/business community/etc.)__ for their kind support.
Our goal is to __(briefly describe goal)__, which will provide us with the adequate __(number of______/funding)__ to __(briefly explain what it will allow you to do)__. We are sending this letter to you asking for your help in bringing success to our __(Name of drive/campaign/etc)__ this year. Please __(drop off your ______ at one of the following locations:/find included a return envelope to send your contribution with ease and convenience/etc.)__. We thank you for your kind consideration and support in bringing __(happiness to a child/us closer to a cure for .../etc.)__.
Optional - **__(All donations to __(name of organization)__ are tax deductible and a Tax Receipt will be issued immediately upon receipt of your donation)__.