Dear …
As you may know, __(name of organization)__ is an organization that provides __(describe what the organization provides)__ for the __(type of cause)__. We have been helping to raise support for them. Through past contributions from our generous community, we have been able to successfully __(raise $$ OR provide type of service)__ for the __(type of cause)__. As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, we will be holding a fundraising auction on __(date)__.
We are asking businesses like yourselves in our community, to donate items for this auction. Anything, that you can offer, big or small, will help us to make this fundraiser a success. Your contributions will provide __(describe specifically what proceeds from this auction will go to)__, which will enhance the lives of others in our area. Your donation is tax deductible and you will be issued a Tax Receipt.
We hope that we can count on your continued leadership in our community by supporting this worthy cause. Thanking you in advance for your donation.