Dear … Over the past few years, we have seen a growing need for a __(briefly describe need)__ in our community because of __(briefly describe why)__. Unfortunately, there has been no funding available from the__(town/city/state/government/etc.)__ to support this project. As a result, an ambitious group of __(kids/youth/people/etc)__, believing they could still make it happen, got together and formed a non-profit __(organization/club/association/etc)__. Proceeding ahead with a determined focus, __(name of organization)__ has now accomplished the first part of the objective. The land that was required for this project has now been donated.
The next step is to raise money for __(briefly describe next part of the project)__. This letter has been sent to you to ask you for your support in bringing this dream to a reality. __(Name of organization’s)__ goal is to raise __($amount)__, which will provide the adequate funding to __(briefly explain what the funding will allow you to do)__. All donations to __(name of organization)__ are tax deductible and a Tax Receipt will be issued immediately upon receipt of your monetary donation.
We thank you for considering a contribution and enclose a return envelope for your convenience. All checks to be made payable to: __(name of organization)__. If you have any questions, or wish to have a discussion about this project, please feel free to contact me at __(phone #)__. We remain hopeful of your kind support.