Dear …
This letter has been written to you to inform you of a situation at the __(name or address of branch)__ branch that has escalated to alarming levels. There is currently a great deal of discord amongst the employees and management at this branch. Dissention has heightened to a point where there is even strike talk amongst employees. It has become an unbearable place to work in and most of us are finding it extremely difficult to remain motivated enough to complete our daily tasks.
On behalf of a good number of employees here, we want to let you know that we fear if some serious changes are not implemented in this branch soon, it will begin to fall to pieces. The list of problems at the branch seems endless, but we wish to highlight a couple of issues in particular, that seem to really ignite this internal conflict.
- The main source of concern has been the Branch Manager’s daily patronizing conduct towards __(his/her)__ subordinates. There is no reason as fellow human beings, that we should be treated in this undignified manner. We all deserve a certain amount of respect, regardless of our positions.
- Ironically, directly related to that issue, is the matter wherein the Branch Manager allows this same condescending behavior to continue from other certain individuals towards the rest of the staff in the office. This only serves to fuel that fire of dissention.
Though there are many other problems brewing in this branch as previously stated, we believe these are the two that require immediate attention. This letter is not intended to suggest that we, as employees, are trying to threaten this company in any way. We are merely alerting you to a situation where some fall-out will be inevitable, if this situation is not addressed soon.
As you can appreciate, most of us are very intimidated by,__(Name of Branch Manager)__, the Branch Manager, and therefore, we are very reluctant to put our names on this letter. Instead, we hope that our message will be heard and that someone will step in and help us here at this branch, before it is too late. We thank you for looking into this matter on our behalf.
Respectfully yours,
Employees of __(name of branch)__ branch