Dear …
I am writing this letter to levy a complaint against my co-worker, __(Name)__. __(His/Her)__ attitude in the workplace recently has become both extremely condescending and counter-productive.
Whenever __(he/she)__ is “put in charge” of the __(department/unit/etc.)__, we see a whole different demeanor appear. __(He/She)__ instantly becomes militant and rude with the staff to the point of ridiculous. The very moment __(he/she)__ is put in charge, a very ugly egotistical nature arises within __(him/her)__ as __(he/she)__ starts barking out orders and brags about how __(he/she)__ is the only one in the __(department/unit/etc.)__ that is an effective employee.
The irony of this disgraceful display of barking and boasting only proves to the rest of us that __(his/her)__ behavior, indeed, personifies the term “double-standard.” The following depicts the kind of work ethic that __(Name_)__ personally demonstrates when not in charge.
- __(example #1 – briefly describe what this person does that demonstrates poor work ethic)
- __(example #2 – briefly describe what this person does that demonstrates poor work ethic)
- _(example #3 – briefly describe what this person does that demonstrates poor work ethic)
Clearly, the temporary position of power goes to __(his/her)__ head when __(he/she)__ is put in charge and it has become increasingly difficult to work with such a counterfeit individual. I know that I speak for the others in the __(department/unit/etc.)__ when I say that this situation has reached a point now where it must be addressed. We simply cannot carry on working under these conditions.
On behalf of the entire __(department/unit/etc.)__, I thank you for looking into this matter. __(Optional: For fear of jeopardizing my position here, I hope that you can understand that it is difficult for me to reveal my name at this time.)
Respectfully yours,