Dear …
I am writing this letter to you as a formal complaint against my supervisor, __(full name of supervisor)__. Over the past __(#)__ of __(years/months/weeks)__ that I have reported to __(him/her)__, I have encountered several unpleasant and discouraging experiences with __(him/her)__. I find __(him/her) difficult to approach with any issues because __(he/she)__ always has something negative to say and tries to make me feel stupid for looking for ways for improvement.
I am a loyal and conscientious employee of this company and the contributions that I make are intended for the overall best interest of the company. It has become increasingly difficult for me to remain happy in my present position because of the negativity I receive continuously from my supervisor. __(Name of supervisor)__ not only discourages the growth of __(his/her)__ team members, but even laughs in the face of those who try. It has recently come to my attention that other members on my team have been treated the same way.
I personally take great offense to the way my supervisor treats me whenever I approach __(him/her)__. The latest incident, which has motivated me to issue a formal complaint against __(her/her)__, is recapped below.
- On __(date)__ I approached my supervisor, __(name)__ to discuss __(the type of topic)__ with __(him/her)__. When I explained the issue to __(him/her)__, __(he/she)__ told me __(give brief response from supervisor)__.
- Later, after __(describe what happened next)__, __(supervisor name)__ __(describe what supervisor said/did)__.
- I believe that __(his/her)__ response was inappropriate and unprofessional in every way.
My supervisor does not provide an environment where I feel I can develop my skills and grow as an individual. I am asking you to help me resolve this situation and to consider an alternative of placing me on a different team. I thank you in advance for looking into this matter on my behalf.