Dear …
As the purchasing agent for __(name of organization)__, I can appreciate that you would be willing to do business only with those suppliers that can provide you with proven quality __(products/programs)__ accompanied by top-notch service. I am delighted to be able to tell you that __(name of my company)__ fits that description very well.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is __(name)__, the __(president/owner/sales representative/etc.)__ of __(name of my company)__. We have been providing __(type products/programs/services)__to our __(customers/clients)__ for the past __(#)__ years. Long term clients, such as __(list a couple of well known companies you do business with)__, are great testimonies to the kind of __(products/programs)__ and service we offer. Our company strongly believes that, until our clients’ needs are 100% met, we have not done our job. And from that kind of philosophy, __(name of my company)__ has built a solid reputation in the __(type of business)__ business __(in name of city/in the country/around the world/etc)__.
I am very interested in talking with you about what __(name of my company)__ can offer to __(name of organization)__ and would greatly welcome the opportunity to speak with you. __(Enclosed you will find information on our product-programs-services /You can find our website at: www.nameofwebsiteaddress) __. Please feel free to peruse __(the enclosed material/our website)__ to get a good feel for what we offer.
I understand that there are guidelines that __(name of organization)__ follows, with respect to the purchase of __(type)__ products from specific countries. For reasons, which I have no doubt are quite legitimate, I understand there are certain countries that you do not purchase products from. Would you kindly inform me by return, if your organization does not purchase products from __(name of country)__, and if not, what that reason would be?
It is my hope that products from __(name of country)__ will not prove to be an obstacle for potentially doing business together. I will be in contact with you soon to arrange a time of convenience to have a telephone discussion with you.
__(Name, title)__
__(Company Name)__
__(Contact info – ph #/email/address)__