In consideration of __($amount)__, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, __(first & last name)__, of __(street address and name of City, State/Province)__, herein referred to as “Seller” does hereby __(sell/transfer ownership to and deliver to)__ __(first and last name/company name)__ of __(street address and name of City, State/Province)__, herein referred to as “Buyer,” the following vehicle:
Year: ________ Make: _____________ Model:_______________
Serial Number: __________________________________________
Body Type: __________________ Color: ____________________
The following liens and/or encumbrances are to be assumed as part of this sale agreement and Buyer agrees to assume and pay said secured debt and indemnify Seller from any claims arising from such liens and encumbrances.
________(Name and address of lien holders/encumbrances.)_________
This Bill of Sale implies no warranty, either express or implied, and does not affect in any manner, the terms of any warranty from the manufacturer of the described vehicle that may be applicable to the vehicle. This vehicle is being sold and transferred “as is” and the Buyer hereby certifies that the vehicle has been inspected and is acceptable “as is.”
Dated this __(#)__ day of __(month)__, __(year)__ at __(City)__ in the __(state/province)__ of __(name of State/Province)__.
X ____________________________
Signature of Seller
X ____________________________
Signature of Buyer
X _________________________