Dear …
We are sending out this notification to inform you that effective __(date/immediately)__, __(Name of Organization)__ is replacing its current __(type of product)__ with a __(type of product)__. Though the appearance of your current __(type of product)__ will now look different, we wish to advise all our existing __(type of)__ customers, that the terms and conditions of their __(type of product)__ will remain unchanged. The changes in this product will be applied only to new accounts.
Our commitment to you, our valued customer, remains firm as we continue to provide you with the highest level of service. Please don’t hesitate to contact __(us/me)__ if you have any questions or comments about this notification. We welcome an opportunity to speak with you.
Thank you for choosing __(Name of Organization)__ for your __(type of)__ needs. It has been a pleasure to be of service to you and we look forward to many more years of serving you.