It has come to my attention that your performance at __(Name of Organization)__ has deteriorated to a less-than-desirable level. Even more disturbing, is the fact that management has already addressed these relative specific issues with you on several occasions, and yet there has been no noticeable improvement.
The current issues at hand concerning your poor performance include:
- Failure to comply with direct orders It has been noted that you repetitively fail to follow the directives given to you on tasks. Instead, you continuously to validate your short-comings on each task with an endless variety of excuses. __(Optional: Examples of this include – list examples)__
- Failure to complete tasks in a timely manner Our Organization has set standards and guidelines with which certain tasks are expected to be completed within. These standards are in no way unrealistic, as your co-workers continue to meet and maintain them without difficulty. It appears that you are the only one who does not, or perhaps will not, complete certain tasks within the acceptable time frame. __(Optional: Examples of this include – list examples)__
- Poor attitude towards co-workers and supervisors Behavior that is frowned upon here at __(Name of Organization)__ is that of employees who separate themselves as a team player and begin interacting with those that they work with, with disrespect and/or indifference. Recent observations reveal that your behavior, __(Name)__, boarders on rudeness and arrogance towards both co-workers and your supervisors. Evidence shows that you have adopted a self-serving and self-importance attitude in the workplace.
The intent of this letter is to clearly inform you that your poor attitude and performance levels, as identified above, will no longer be tolerated. Let this serve to advise you that any future reports of continued poor performance and behavior by you, will result in your immediate dismissal. Please consider this your final warning.
Yours truly,