Dear …
As you know, our country is going through a severe __(recession/economic downturn/etc.)__ and as a result, our organization has been experiencing __(briefly describe what your company has been experiencing – i.e. a significant decrease in sales/etc.)__. We are doing all that we can to keep everyone on our workforce employed during this difficult period, however, this is something that will require extra effort on everyone’s part.
What we are asking for is that our entire workforce pull together to make this work. For instance; clock watchers, those who refuse to give any extra time whatsoever, this is not considered to be a positive contribution to our efforts in keeping everyone actively employed. We’re asking you to spend a little more time than you normally would on projects to see them through to completion. And, for those contractual employees on the job site, cutting your contractual hours at the site can no longer be tolerated. Please know that this will now be carefully monitored.
These are trying times for us all in the __(Name of country)__ and it is the responsibility of each one of us to unite together to help make it through this very difficult period. I know everyone understands that these are not normal times and I thank you for your cooperation in helping us all weather this storm.