To all staff;
It is with regret that today I must announce the resignation of __(name)__, who is resigning from __(his/her)__ position of __(type of position)__ from __(name of company)__ effective __(date)__.
__(Name)__ started with __(company name)__ in __(year)__ as a __(position type)__ and eventually worked __(his/her)__ way up to __(position type)__. __(He/She)__ has been a valued part of our team over the past __(#)__ __(years/months)__ and many here have enjoyed working with __(him/her)__.
__(Name)__ will be __(briefly describe his/her immediate career plans)__. We wish __(him/her)__ every success in __(his/her)__ new endeavors. Please join us in sending our best wishes to __(him/her)__ by attending the farewell party that will be held on __(date)__ at __(time)__ in the __(room/location)__.
There will be a buffet lunch served along with some good humored roasting and toasting in honor of __(name)__. I look forward to seeing everyone there giving toast to our co-worker and friend, a person whom we will all miss.