Dear …
On behalf of __(name of organization)__, please allow me to extend to you a warm thank you for attending the __(Name of seminar)__ seminar on __(date)__. It was great to see you there! __(Name of speaker)__ does such a great job of delivering a message of __(briefly explain what the seminar message was about)__, doesn’t __(he/she)__? I found __(him/her)__ to be such a dynamic speaker. I really hope that you enjoyed __(him/her)__ speak as much as I did.
These motivational seminars are occasionally offered to __(type of business people)__ in the community, like yourself, in hopes that you find them to be value. It is __(my/our)__ way of thanking you for the business that you have referred to __(me/us)__ over the years. __(We/I)__ greatly appreciate what you do for __(us/me)__ and just wanted to give you something in return.
As always, __(Name)__, if you ever need help with your __(type of needs)__, please don’t hesitate to call __(me/us)__. __(I’d/We’d)__ be happy to be of assistance to you. Once again, thank you joining us at the seminar. __(We/I)__ __(was/were)__ delighted to see you there.