Dear …
Please allow me to take this opportunity to express to you how impressed __(I am/we are/Name and I are/etc.)__ with __(type of service provided)__. __(You/Name of Organization)__ really did a first-rate job with this __(type project/program)__. Your work is superb!
It’s evident that __(you/your staff/etc.)__ take(s) a great deal of pride in __(their/your)__ work, as seen by the __(briefly describe something outstanding – i.e. excellent creativity that went into...)__. I can’t tell you how happy __(I am/we are)__ with __(type of - i.e. exceptionally beautiful)__ result(s) of __(this/these type of products/services)__. __(It/They)__ really __(is/are)__ fantastic!
Without hesitation, __(I/we)__ would recommend __(you/your company/etc.)__ to others. __(I/We)__ commend you on a job well done!