Dear ….
RE: Nomination for __(Type of Award)__
It is with great pleasure that I nominate __(Name - first and last)__ for __(type of award/recognition)__. Over the past __(#)__ years, __(Name)__ has notably demonstrated incomparable dedication to __(describe area of expertise/his-her craft – i.e. medicine)__. __(He/She)__ is a fine example of __(briefly describe what he/she exemplifies)__.
Some of __(his/her)__ life-long achievements have included __(briefly list three or four achievements)__. In all that __(he/she)__ does, I’ve always known __(Name)__ to strive for nothing short of excellence. The care, creativity, integrity and tireless efforts that __(he/she)__ contributes to all __(his/her)__ endeavors is admirable.
In addition to __(briefly describe regular duties)__, __(Name)__ should be applauded for the countless hours __(he/she)__ has donated towards __(type of issue)__. __(He/She)__ has made notable differences in many areas of the __(type of field)__. In particular, however, is __(his/her)__ highly recognizable contributions in __(briefly describe the area(s) where a difference was made by him/her)__.
__(Full Name)__ is an outstanding __(type of person)__ and it is, indeed, my distinct pleasure to nominate __(him/her)__ for the honorable __(type of award/recognition)__.