Dear ….
It is with great pleasure that I recommend __(name)__ to be this year’s recipient of the __(name of award)__ award. I believe that __(he/she)__ is deserving of this award for the integrity, the care, creativity and tireless efforts that __(he/she)__ puts forth into all __(his/her)__ endeavors. __(Name)__ has always strived for nothing short of excellence in all that __(he/she)__ does and is renowned for __(his/her)__ outstanding contributions __(to/in)__ the __(world/field/area)__ of __(type of field)__.
Some of __(his/her)__ life-long achievements have included __(briefly list three or four achievements)__. Over the past __(#)__ years, __(Name)__ has notebly demonstrated incomparable dedication to __(describe area of expertise/his-her craft – i.e. medicine)__. __(He/She)__ is truly a fine example of a great __(type of position)__.
In addition to __(his/her)__ professional endeavors, __(Name)__ is also very fervent about __(finding a cure for/making changes to/etc.)__ __(type of issue/disease)__. __(He/She)__ has donated tremendous time and efforts towards increasing awareness of __(type of issue/disease)__ both nationally and internationally. Working tirelessly at all levels of involvement, __(Name)__ has participated in many__(list types of event(s) – i.e. fundraising events)__ to raise social consciousness. Such admirable undertakings are to be applauded.
I believe that individuals like this, who make a notable difference, should be recognized and celebrated for their achievements. Hence, I nominate __(full name)__ for the __(name of award)__ award.