Please accept this as an honorific invitation to you to attend our __(name of event)__ event this year. __(Name of Organization)__ will be holding its annual __(type of event)__ event on:
Date: __(date)__
Time: __(from time to time)__
Location: __(location)__
This annual event was designed to __(briefly describe what you accomplish with this annual event)__. The __(tremendous turnout of volunteers/generous donations from sponsors/etc.)__ we have had in the past has so far enabled us to meet our goals each year. This year our goal is to __(briefly describe goal/create higher public awareness/etc.)__ for __(type of cause/type of special project/etc.)__.
It would be a great honor to have you join us in kicking off this year’s
__(fundraiser/cleanup/etc)__. Some of the activities we have planned around this event include __(briefly list some of the activities of the day/evening)__. We believe that you will quite enjoy this __(evening/event/etc)__ and your presence would not only be a tremendous honor for us but would also help us to raise a broader awareness of __(type cause)__.
Thank you for considering our invitation. If you have any questions, you can reach me directly at __(phone #)__ . We look forward to hearing from you soon, __(name)__, and remain hopeful of your decision.
Respectfully yours,