RE: Request for Financial Aid for Tuition
I am writing to you today to ask you for financial assistance with __(my/my child’s/etc.)__ school tuition this year. Of late, I have experienced a serious setback in my finances and have found that I am unable to pay the tuition right now.
__(Recently/Over the past -length of time-/etc.)__, I __(briefly explain situation(s) that caused your inability to make the tuition payment this term)__. It’s one of those, “when it rains, it pours” scenarios for me right now. It has been most embarrassing for me to be caught in this financial dilemma. I have even gone to __(my parents/the bank/etc.)__ for financial help, yet I still find myself unable to meet the school tuition at this time.
Anything that you can do to help me through this time of crises would be greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance for doing whatever you can to aid me through this temporary transitional period and I remain hopeful of your positive response. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.