Recently, I was made aware of an issue that is very troubling to me. To my surprise, I found out that all the newly hired __(type of employees)__ are offered a starting wage that is higher than my current wage. For obvious reasons, I was very disturbed by this news.
It has been quite demoralizing for me to learn that I am considered less valuable than the newly hired __(type of employees)__. This is particularly disturbing not only because I have been with __(Name of Organization for __(length of time)__, but also because I have considerably more experience than these new hires, having been a __(type of position)__ for __(#)__ years now, __(specializing in __type of specialty__)__.
Over the course of my time with __(Name of Organization)__, I have enjoyed my job and welcomed all the challenges that have been presented to me. I believe that my dedication to __(name of organization)__ and my good attitude is apparent in my accomplishments and work habits. Therefore, in all fairness, I am asking you to consider providing me with a raise that is indicative of my experience and tenure with this organization.
On behalf of my colleagues in the same situation, I also ask that you would kindly provide them with the same consideration. Having had the opportunity to review this wage situation of late, I further extend a request to you today, asking you to contemplate annual wage increases for your __(type of)__ staff to coincide with the cost-of-living increases. I strongly believe this would be a sound investment to which all would ultimately benefit.
Thank you for consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours,