Dear …
I have now been with __(name of organization)__ for __(length of time)__ and I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoy my job here and have welcomed all the challenges that have been presented to me.
I am proud to be part of your team. Not only do I enjoy working with you and my peers, I have been inspired to reach beyond my comfort zone, to achieve those goals I set for myself in this position. Some of the goals that I am proud to have accomplished over the past __(length of time)__ include:
*** Here list all your accomplishments***
- Show how you saved the company money by cutting costs, stream-lining processes, etc.
- Demonstrate how you took the lead in a project
- List the educational courses you have completed, making you more valuable to the co.
- List all your other significant accomplishments
I believe that my dedication to __(name of organization)__ and my motivation to take my job to new heights is apparent in my accomplishments and work habits. Therefore, I am asking you to consider providing me with a raise of __%. I believe this investment in me will be a sound investment for the company.
Thank you for your consideration. As a loyal member of your team, I look forward to working with you long into the future.