Dear ...
It has come to __(my/our)__ attention that your performance on the __(Name of project)__ has deteriorated to a level that is no longer acceptable nor tolerable. This poor performance issue has resulted in creating many other problems on the project including __(briefly describe an important issue – i.e. delays in other areas)__. Even more disturbing is the fact that, despite having already expressed our concerns to you regarding these substandard performance issues, there has not been any attempt on your part to improve your performance. Regardless of the many promises for improvement you’ve made to __(me/us)__, no affirmative action has been taken.
The current issues at hand concerning your poor performance include:
- __(List performance issue - Failure to... )__ Briefly describe the specifics that are problematic.
- __(List performance issue - Failure to... )__ Briefly describe the specifics that are problematic.
- __(List performance issue - Failure to... )__ Briefly describe the specifics that are problematic.
- __(List performance issue - Failure to... )__ Briefly describe the specifics that are problematic.
The intent of this letter is to clearly inform you that unless there is immediate and considerable improvement on your part in all of the areas described above, __(we/Name of Organization)__ will be forced to terminate your services and hire another contractor to take over these tasks. Please be made fully aware that if this action is taken, it will be done at your expense. To be quite clear on this issue, not only will the cost of hiring another contractor be applied to your account, we will also hold you liable for any other costs we incur as a direct result of the delays and problems that your lack of performance caused.
There is no more room for discussion on this matter, __(Name)__. Please consider this your final warning.
Yours truly,