My dearest ...
I never before knew the depths of these emotions that I am feeling right now. Being with you has made me realize that there is a whole world of new horizons just waiting to be opened. I can’t begin to list the countless ways I am different since you came into my life. Something so wonderful in you has transformed my heart into a richer and fuller heart. You make me want to love, because you make it so beautiful.
I want to let the whole world know of my love for you. For inside, there has been lit, an everlasting candle that shall not be dimmed by any source on this earth. The love that we share is so deep and so beautiful; a love that most people never find. You are more precious to me than anything else I have ever known and will I love you for all eternity.
Spreading across all time and space, my love for you illuminates throughout the universe. Our minds, our hearts and our souls have melded, coming together as one. Truly I have never, and will never again, love anyone as much as I love you.
Always and forever yours,