Dear …
Please allow me to take this moment to re-introduce myself to you)__. Several __(years/months/etc.)__ ago, our mutual friend, __(Name)__, introduced us at __(place)__. I enjoyed our chat together and recall that you __(briefly describe what they were doing: e.g. - were involved in the –type of– business)__ at the time.
Recently, I __(acquired/joined)__ __(a new/another/etc.)__company and thought that you may be interested in the__(name of products or services)__ we offer. The new company I __(own/work for)__ is called __(Name of Company)__. We specialize in __(type of product/service)__ and offer __(briefly describe what your company offers: e.g. free consultations to help our customers choose the right _____)__.
For your convenience, I have enclosed a __(brochure/catalogue)__ for you browse through.
Some of our most popular __(products/services)__ include:
- List product/service #1 – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
- List product/service #2 – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
- List product/service #3 – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
- List product/service #4 – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
During the week of __(date)__, I will be in your area and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss with you the possibility of doing business together. I will contact you in the next __(#)__ days to see if we can schedule an appointment. In the meantime, if you have any questions about what we offer, please feel free to contact me at __(phone #)__.
I’m looking forward to seeing you again.