Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on __(date)__. It was a pleasure to have met you __(two/and name/your husband/wife/etc.)__ and to have had the opportunity to sit down with you and your __(son/daughter)__ to discuss the college options available to __(him/her)__.
I applaud you __(two/and name/your husband/wife/etc.)__ for your active involvement in seeking appropriate guidance for __(Name of son/daughter)__ at this time. These are critical times in the lives of our high school seniors as they make their educational choices for the future. There are so many things to consider when trying to choose the right __(a college/educational direction to take/etc.)__ and it can become quite overwhelming for many of them. That’s where my __(length of time)__ experience in all aspects of the college process has proven to be helpful.
Hopefully our discussions on __(date)__ were helpful in answering some of the questions you had. In recognizing how stressful this whole college process can be for families, I want to assure you that I’m here to assist you. My goal is to make this process as easy as possible for you and __(Name of son/daughter)__.
If I can further alleviate some of the __(anxiety/stress)__ you may be experiencing, I’d be more than happy to do so. Please feel free to contact me at __(phone #/email address)__ with any questions or concerns you may have.