It is an honor for me to invite you to attend our __(name of fundraiser)___ event as our honorary __(name of position)__.
Please allow me to formally introduce myself to you. My name is __(name)__ and I am __(the name of position at/a board member of)__ __(name of organization)__. As you may know, __(name of organization)__ is an organization that provides __(describe what the organization provides)__ for the __(type of cause)__. We have have seen many changed lives over the years keeping us acutely aware of how important our efforts really are. There are times when our organization offers the only hope left for some of these people living in a state of desperation.
We will be holding a __(name of fundraiser)__ event on __(date)__ to raise money for __(type of cause/type of special project/etc.)__. Our goal is to raise __($amount)__, which will provide us with the adequate funding to afford the kind of __(support/aide/help/etc.)__ that __(these people/this project will)__ require over the next __(# weeks/months)__. Every dollar raised will be stretched to its fullest potential.
It would be such an honor to us if you would accept our invitation to be our guest as honorary __(type of position)__ at the __(name of fundraiser event)__ event on __(date)__. The role of honorary __(type of position)__ would entail __(briefly list responsibilities)__. We believe that you will quite enjoy this __(evening/event/etc)__, while at the same time your presence could help us to raise a much broader awareness of __(type cause)__ and turn this fundraiser into a great success.
We thank you in advance for considering supporting this worthy cause by accepting our invitation. Please feel free to contact me directly at __(phone #)__ if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you soon, __(name)__, and remain hopeful of your decision.