Dear …
RE: __(Name of Conference)__ - Invitation to Speak
The purpose of my letter to you today is to invite you to be a Keynote Speaker at our upcoming __(Name of conference)__ on __(Date)__. The theme of this year’s conference is __(briefly describe theme)__. We’d be delighted if you could work this theme into your presentation.
Attendance this year is expected to be in the area of __(# delegates/practitioners/etc.)__, making it one of our most highly attended conferences yet. You may have heard that __(Name)__ has already agreed to speak at the conference and we’d be pleased and honored if you would also consent to being one of our Keynote Speakers. Enclosed is a draft of the speaker program to give you an idea of the specific topics that will be covered during the conference. We are looking forward to this being a highly successful and memorable conference for all our __( delegates/practitioners/etc.)__.
Thank you for your considering our invitation, __(Name)__. I will be in contact with you by phone over the next __(length of time)__ to follow up with you on this.