To all staff;
It is with the greatest of sadness that I deliver to you today the heartbreaking news of the death of our colleague and friend, __(First & Last Name)__. I’ve been informed that __(Name)__ died at __(time and date)__ from __(briefly describe condition/injury)__. On behalf of all of us here at __(Name of Organization)__, I have taken the liberty of sending out to __(his/her family)__, our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy.
__(Name)__ will be deeply missed here, leaving behind now only those fond memories we have of __(him,/her)__. Prior to __(his/her)__ eminent death, __(he/she)__ requested that I pass on to all of you, that we do not grieve __(his/her)__ death, but rather, celebrate __(his/her)__ life. That sounds just like __(him/her)__, doesn’t it? Even in death, __(Name)__ still wishes to celebrate life! __(He/She)__ always did enjoy life to the fullest, didn’t he? __(His/her)__ positive outlook on life was most admirable, even contagious some would say. __(He/She)__ always had a smile for everyone and was highly regarded by everyone who ever had the opportunity to meet __(him/her)__.
Back in __(year)__, when __(Name)__ joined __(company name)__, __(he/she)__ took on the position of __(position type)__. Over the years, __(he/she)__ worked __(his/her)__ way into the position of __(position type)__. Regardless of the challenges __(he/she)__ may have had along the way, everyone who’d ever had the privilege of working with __(him/her)__, always found __(him/her)__ a special pleasure to work with.
Such an extraordinary person __(Name)__ was. This is truly a great loss to our __(company/organization)__ and to our community as a whole. __(He/She)__ will be profoundly missed by everyone whose lives __(he/she)__ touched. Nevertheless, by __(his/her)__ own last wishes, let us remember __(Name)__ each time, with a smile upon our faces.