Dear …
Thank you for your __(letter/memo)__ of __(date)__ outlining your recommendation(s) for the __(type department/task/project etc.)__. I openly welcome ideas from my employees, frequently finding them to be quite enlightening and valuable. They often provide a slightly different perspective from those not having the opportunity to work as closely with the __(subject matter/tasks at hand/project/etc.)__. In addition, it shows that you have initiative and commitment to this__(project/company/department)__.
Having now had the opportunity to review your recommendation(s), I offer my response as follows:
- List Recommendation # 1– __(briefly describe why you agree or disagree with the suggestion)__. As a result, we __(will/will not)__ be implementing this change __(effective immediately/date)__.
- List Recommendation # 1– __(briefly describe why you agree or disagree with the suggestion)__. As a result, we __(will/will not)__ be implementing this change __(effective immediately/date)__.
Thank you again, __(Name)__, for taking the time to present your recommendations to me. Your efforts are commendable and appreciated.