Dear …
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the __(#)__ years service that you have given to __(Name of organization)__. You’ve been highly regarded here as one of the most __(accomplished –type of position-/ innovative people/etc.)__ we’ve had the pleasure of having on staff. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to have had the opportunity to work with you. Well done, __(Name)__.
We are now pleased to offer to you a retirement package that we believe you will find quite appealing. Highlighted below are the benefits included in this package we are offering with __(Date)__ as the proposed date of retirement. • __(Briefly outline the benefit offered in the retirement package) • __(Briefly outline the benefit offered in the retirement package) • __(Briefly outline the benefit offered in the retirement package) You will soon receive a letter from the Human Resources Department with all of the specific details of this retirement package.
Thank you for helping us make this company the success it is today, __(Name)__. The whole team at __(Name of organization)__ appreciates your hard work over the years. Your contributions were significant and will not be forgotten.
Congratulations on your well-earned retirement. You deserve it…enjoy it!
Sincerely yours,