Dear …
I am writing to the __(members in our community/local businesses/etc.)__ today to tell you about a monument that will be constructed in __(name of community)__ to commemorate __(briefly describe what it commemorates - example: the sacrifice of one of our own, in the fight to preserve the freedom)__. On __(date)__, __(Name of person and title)__ died while __(briefly describe what person was doing when they died)__. __(He/She)__ selflessly gave __(his/her)__ life so that we __(briefly describe how we benefited)__.
In appreciation for __(Name’s)__ __(incredible sacrifice/lifetime contribution to…./etc.)__, __(the members of this community / his/her friends and family/etc.)__ have united together to honor __(his/her)__ memory. The construction of the __(Name of monument)__ monument will soon begin, to be erected at __(specific place)__. Upon its completion, a dedication ceremony will take place with __(Name of person and Title - example: Mayor, Name)__ officiating. To help fund the cost of this memorial to __(Name)__, we are currently looking to __(the members of our community/local businesses in this community/etc.)__ for donations. The cost of the monument is estimated to be __($amount)__, which is substantial. Please help support this memorial to __(Name)__, by offering a donation. All donations, whether big or small, are greatly appreciated and can be made __(briefly describe how they can make a donation: example - at …Name of place or by mail to….)__. All checks to be made payable to: __(name of organization)__.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at __(phone #)__. On behalf of __ (the members of this community / his/her friends and family/etc.)__, I thank you for considering making a contribution to commemorate what __(Name)__ sacrificed for us.
Yours truly,