Dear …
Recently, we were made aware of the very distressing news that __(Name)__ has been diagnosed with __(type of illness)__. As most of you know, __(she/he)__ is a single parent who will not be able to count on the__(father/mother)__ of those __(#)__ children for support during this trying time. Needless to say, it is going to be very difficult for __(Name) and the children in the days and weeks to come and I feel that we all need to pitch in to offer help in some way.
Therefore, I am asking friends and family to offer a monetary donation for this cause. All proceeds collected will be used for the purchase of __(list items/services that will be purchased)__. In addition, I am requesting volunteers to __(describe what you want them to do)__. All who help out in any way, monetarily and/or volunteering their time, will be acknowledged by __(describe how they will be acknowledged)__.
- Monetary donations:
- __(Payable to: _______)__
- __(Mailing address: _______)__
- Volunteers: Please contact __(Name)__ at __(Phone #/email address/etc.)__ to have your name added to the volunteer roster. __(Name)__ will provide you with a description of volunteer duties and a schedule that each of you can work from.
Thank you in advance for your generous support to __(Name)__ and __(her/his)__ children during this very difficult time. Without a doubt, anything that you can do to help will be immensely appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon.