Dear …
I want to take this opportunity to express appreciation to you as __(my/our)__ __(son/daughter)__, __(Child Name’s)__, teacher. Thank you for providing your superb teaching skills, your support, and all your encouragement to __(him/her)__ over __(length of time – i.e. this last school term)__. __(I’ve/We’ve)__ seen such an improvement in both __(his/her)__ grades and attitude since __(he’s/she’s)__ been in your class. It’s very evident that your students really enjoy and respond well to your teaching style.
Teachers like you give great testament to those who are the first-rate educators of our youth in this __(community/country)__. You can’t know how much __(I/we)__ have appreciated the enormous part you have played in __(Child Name’s)__ education __(so far)__. __(I am/We are)__ very proud of __(his/her)__ recent achievements and __(I/we)__ know that __(I/we)__ have you to thank in large for it.
Your involvement with __(Child Name)__ has been influential in such a positive way and __(I/we)__ commend you, __(Teacher Name)__. Well done! You are truly a source of encouragement to us all. May you continue to touch the lives of our youth for many years to come.