Dear …
I want to take this opportunity to tell you how impressed I am with the ___(type and model# of product)__. I purchased this __(name of product)__ back in __(year)__, and now __(#)__ __(months/years/etc)__ and __(# miles/uses/etc.)__ later, it still runs __(perfectly/like a charm)__! And that’s with __(very little/no need of)__ repair work. The longevity of this __(model name of product)__ is absolutely remarkable!
It is not often one sees a product of such fine quality. Without hesitation, I would buy a __(model name of product)__ again. I have been telling everyone what a first-rate __ __(type of product)__ __(name of organization)__ produces. There is no disputing it, I’ve got the proof!
Thank you, __(name of organization)__, for offering such a splendid __(type of product)__ to your customers. Well done!