Dear …
Please allow this letter to serve as my appeal to the decision that was recently made to suspend me from __(Name of School)__ for the __(spring/fall/etc.)__ term due to ___(reason given for suspension)__. There were extenuating circumstances in my case, which I do not believe __(you were/the board/panel/committee/etc. was)__ fully aware of when the decision was made to suspend me. Therefore, I wish to take this opportunity to present my case to you as follows:
- __(Briefly describe fact #1 in favor of your case)__
- __(Briefly describe fact #2 in favor of your case)__
- __(Briefly describe fact #3 in favor of your case)__
- __(Briefly describe fact #3 in favor of your case)__
I have done my level best to __(briefly describe what you’re trying to achieve)__, despite the fact that this untimely __(describe what the problem has been – i.e. health condition had plagued me over the past _length of time_)__. This was a situation that was clearly out of my control and was very difficult for me to endure. I don’t believe that I should be further punished now by this suspension and so I appeal to your compassion and understanding of my situation.
Something like this could strike anyone at any given time. Please look at it from that perspective rather than from the perspective of “irresponsibility” on my part. I did the very best I could under the circumstances. And now that my __(type of situation – i.e. health)__ is now under control again, I ask that you kindly reconsider this decision to suspend me.
Thank you for your willingness to review my case in this new light. I look forward to hearing from you soon and will remain hopeful for your positive response.