Dear …
RE: Refund Request - Lack of Legal Service - __(Reference #/Name)__
I am formally requesting __(a/an)__ __($amount)__ refund from the retainer that I paid to your firm on __(Date)__. All the services that had been agreed to and for which I paid for, were never delivered and, therefore, I expect a refund for the unfulfilled portions of our agreement.
On __(Date)__, I discussed my __(type of case)__ case in detail with __(Name of lawyer)__, who assured me that __(he/she)__ was well-versed in this area of law __(optional: as was _Name_, his/her associate)__ and was willing to take on my case __(optional: as two-person legal team for me)__. My discussion with __(him/her)__ led me to believe that __(he/she/this team of two attorneys/etc.)__ could build a strong case in my defense. It was on this assurance that I obtained the services of __(Name of Law Firm)__ to represent me.
Over the course of __(length of time)__, however, I realized that no one was actually working on my case. My phone calls were not returned and I received no response to my __(emails/letters/etc.)__. The only representation I ever received was on those occasions where __(Name)__ would show up ill-prepared for court appearances and then not able to properly represent me. There were __(no motions/etc.)__ made on my behalf because __(he/she)__ simply had no strategy in place for my defense. In fact, I can confidently say I had no “counsel” whatsoever from my attorney(s). Merely showing up for court appearances is not an adequate defense.
For obvious reasons, I had no choice but to fire __(him/her/this legal team)__ and seek competent legal counsel elsewhere. Once I had another attorney in place to represent me, __(Name of lawyer)__ would not provide my new attorney with my complete case file. I cannot tell you how shocking all this is to me. I thought that once a person passed the Bar exam, they then agreed to keep their professional conduct in line with the Code of Ethics of the Bar Association. Apparently, that is not always the case.
Since I only received a portion of the legal services that was mutually agreed upon in my initial meeting with __(Name of lawyer)__, by all rights the retainer I paid must also reflect this partial service. Therefore, I request a refund in the amount of __($amount)__ and ask that you forward this refund to: __(Name and address)__.
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.
Yours truly,