Dear …
RE: Recommendation for __(First & Last Name)__
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for__(first & last name)__. I had the fortunate opportunity to have __(him/her)__ as a student in my __(type)__ class at __(name of school)__ from __(year)__ to __(year)__ . During that time I always found __(him/her)__ to be a very conscientious, professional and hard-working young __(man/woman)__.
It was so refreshing to have had a student in my program who possessed such a healthy attitude and curious mind such as __(name)__ does. One of the reasons that __(he/she)__ excelled in my class is because __(he/she)__ always sought help in learning whatever __(he/she)__ was unsure of. That demonstrated a high degree of maturity and responsibility on __(his/her)__ part and ultimately rewarded __him/her)__ with great scholastic achievements. __(Name)__ is a very intelligent and ambitious individual who was a real pleasure to have in my classroom.
__(He/She)__ also has a very outgoing and friendly personality with character of the highest integrity. I believe that __(first name)__ deserves serious consideration to continue with __(his/her)__ education at a __(prestigious/renowned/excellent) __(College/University)__ such as __(name of college/university student applied at)__, and I recommend __(her/him)__ highly. I have no doubt that __(name)__ will continue to prove __(himself/herself)__ as an outstanding student and I wish __(him/her)__ nothing but the greatest of success in the future.