Dear …
RE: Character Reference for __(Name)__
It is my pleasure to provide a character reference on behalf of__(first & last Name)__. I have known __(first Name)__ for __(# years)__ now as __(his/her)__ colleague. Over the years, I have come to know __(him/her)__ as a person with a very pleasant personality. __(He/She)__ always treats others very well and consequently, people enjoy being in __(his/her)__ company. __(Name)__ seems to be highly regarded by both managers and colleagues alike throughout this __(department/company/etc.)__. __(He/She)__ is a valuable team player and has the reputation for being one who is willing to lend support whenever needed. This is an individual who can always be counted on to do whatever __(he/she)__ says __(he’ll/she’ll)__ do and is worth__(his/her)__ weight in gold in that regard. We have worked together on several projects together and I have consistently found __(him/her)__ to be an exceptional team member.
Everyone in the __(shop/office/yard/etc.)__office seems to really like __(first name)__. This is someone who is a responsible person with a high degree of integrity. __(He/She)__ possesses honorable character traits and throughout the course of time I have worked with __(him/her)__, __(his/her)__ work history has been flawless. I consider myself fortunate to have had opportunity to work with __(him/her)__.
Without a doubt, __(first name)__ has been and remains, a strong asset to this organization. __He/she__ is a joy to work with and would be valuable to anyone’s team.