Dear …
I have been performing the duties of __(name of position)__ with __(Name of Organization)__ for __(length of time)__ now and have found my work very rewarding so far. __(Name of Organization)__ is an organization that has always treated me fairly and I am proud to be associated with __(it/them)__. It’s time now, however, for me to take on new challenges within the organization. After taking some time to reflect on my past experience, training and accomplishments, I believe that I now have the qualifications for promotion. I genuinely feel that I have what it takes to become a successful __(type of position)__ in __(name of area/unit/etc.)__ and would greatly appreciate if you would consider me for promotion to this.
For your perusal, I’ve enclosed a resume outlining my credentials. Highlighted below, are some key accomplishments that you will find in my resume:
- Example: Briefly state how you took the lead in a project/investigation/etc. and saw it to a successful end.
- Example: List the training you have completed, stating that you finished at top of your class if that is the case.
- List other significant accomplishment.
- List other significant accomplishment
My dedication to __(type of field/this organization)__ I believe is apparent in my conduct as a __(type of position)__, which is evidenced in my past performance assessments. I am and will remain committed to __(briefly describe what you are committed to: i.e. law enforcement)__. It is my wish to continue __(briefly describe what your job accomplishes - i.e. protecting this community against crime)__ and representing __(Name of Organization)__ well.
Thank you for your consideration of my request for this promotion. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully yours,