Dear …
RE: __(Name of Employee)__ - Transfer Recommendation
I am writing this on behalf of. __(Name)__, one of the employees I supervise in the __(name of area/department)__. Over the past __(# weeks/months/etc.)__, __(Name)__ has been given responsibility of taking on only light duties because __(he/she)__ is no longer physically able to handle the heavy work load. Unfortunately, __(his/her)__ __(name of illness)__ restricts __(her/his)__ movement, which has left __(him/her)__ unable to fulfill the job requirements of __(briefly describe the type of work he/she cannot do — i.e. lifting of heavy boxes)__.
__(Name)__ has always been a loyal employee with a good attitude and good work ethics. Therefore, I wish to recommend that __(he/she)__ be transferred to another department where __(he/she)__ will no longer be required to take on this type of heavy labor. I am not suggesting a demotion for __(him/her)__, rather a lateral move to a different, less physically demanding, position. __(Name)__ has proven __(his/her)__ worth as an asset to this organization and I believe that __(he/she)__ deserves an opportunity to continue working for us with dignity. Thank you kindly for your consideration of this request. I remain hopeful that such a transfer is possible and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.