While I understand that we are going through hard economic times, I am compelled to point out what further cuts and layoffs will mean to the __(Name of)__ project.
Over the last __(period of time)__ we have seen __(briefly describe number & type of staff laid off)__ and the loss of __(briefly describe what has been lost due to budget cuts - i.e. key equipment rentals/purchases)__. It stands to reason that loss of such personnel and __(i.e. equipment)__ will lead to certain delays in the project. Regardless of how hard the remaining team members may work, we still cannot achieve the same results of a fully staffed __(and equipped)__ project.
In addition, I have personally witnessed the morale level of the remaining __(Name of project)__ team decrease substantially. It’s very difficult for these people to maintain a positive attitude when they face the possibility of being released from this project at any given time. Needless to say, motivation and interest in the project has been severely affected. The once high momentum of this project has been significantly reduced. No longer does the team feel like a winning team.
I understand the directive to reduce costs by releasing staff members __(and cutting equipment)__ from this project, has come from senior management. However, as these cuts are economically driven, not performance driven, I cannot be held responsible for the inevitable delays and/or possible failure of this project. Yes, I do mean “failure.” I must impress upon you at this time that I greatly fear if stability is not soon incorporated into this project—if these cuts continue, failure of the __(Name of)__ project will be imminent.
I genuinely hope that this can be averted by good management decisions from above.
Respectfully yours,