Dear …
Re: APPEAL – Cleanup Violation - Reference __(#)__
On __(date)__, __(name of company)__ received a ticket for violation of cleanup of a __(type contaminated/stained)__ area.
I am appealing this ticket based on the following grounds:
- On __(date)__, __(briefly describe incident that happened)__ at __(location)__
- Instead of just ordering the responsible party, __(name of responsible party)__, to cleanup the __(type of substance that needed to be cleaned up)__, the city of __(name of city)__ issued an Order to __(list all parties the order was issued to)__ for clean-up of the __(type contaminated/stained)__ area.
- Reluctantly, we all shared in the cost of the cleaning agents, which totalled __($amount)__ for this cleanup, as it was evident that the city was holding us jointly responsible. Each of us paid __($amount)__ towards the cost of the total cleanup. (Please refer to my receipts attached proving my contribution to the cleaning agents).
- __(Name of party)__ agreed to do the cleanup of the entire area and, therefore, __(name of company)__ and the other __(#)__ parties provided __(him/her)__ with all the cleaning agents that were purchased for this cleanup project.
- Instead of cleaning the entire area, however, __(Name of party)__ used all of the cleaning agents we provided to clean only that portion located__(in front of his establishment/beside his house/etc.)__, and left the balance of the __(type contaminated/stained)__ area untouched.
- Consequently, the remaining __(#)__ parties have all received a fine from the city of __(name of city)__for failing to clean up the __(type contaminated/stained)__ area.
- __(Name of party)__ has now refused to continue cleaning the entire area, as originally agreed to, and has also refused to replace or reimburse the rest of us for the cleaning agents we provided to him.
As a result of this situation, I am asking you to reverse this fine that has been levied against __(name of company)__ and, instead, levy it against __(Name of party)__, who is responsible for the clean up. I thank you in advance for your understanding of this awkward situation and look forward to hearing from you soon.