Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on __(date)__. It was a pleasure to meet you __(and name of other person(s)__and I was delighted to have been given the opportunity to introduce my __(type of products/services)__ to you __(both/all)__. I encourage you to look over the __(material/proposal)__ I left for you and ask you to feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it.
Having met with you, __(Name)__, I know that the services I offer would meet your needs very well. My area of expertise lies in the __(type of area)__, which is a perfect match for your __(type of requirement)__. When you choose me as your __(type of service provider)__ you can expect me to:
- __(List service #1 - preferably something that sets you apart from competitors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
- __(List service #2 - preferably something that sets you apart from competitors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
- __(List service #3 - preferably something that sets you apart from competitors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
Again, thank you for your time, __(Name)__. I would certainly welcome an opportunity to be of service to you and am looking forward to our next meeting. I will be in touch with you __(soon/in a few weeks/months/etc.)__ to set up an appointment.