Dear …
Buying or Selling Investment Property?
There are many complex issues to consider when dealing with commercial real estate. Whether buying or selling, you want a good return on your investment. Working with a professional realtor can provide you with the kind of expertise you need when evaluating this type of property, and can offer advice to help you make the right decisions.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is __(Name)__, with __(name of Realty Company)__. I am a professional commercial realtor with __(#)__ years of experience in the __(name of area)__. My first goal with my clients is to understand specifically what they are looking for with their investment. Only then, do I gear all my efforts to finding that right deal for them.
When you choose me as your Realtor, you can expect me to:
- __(List service #1 - preferably something that sets you apart from other realtors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
- __(List service #2 - preferably something that sets you apart from other realtors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
- __(List service #3 - preferably something that sets you apart from other realtors)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__
Why not let me help make this commercial real estate transaction a whole lot easier for you? If you are ready to buy or sell a commercial investment property, please feel free to contact me at __(phone #/email address/etc.)__. I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours truly,