Dear …
Quality construction of your quality designs. Is that important to you?
Then you’ll want to read on… __(Name of company)__ is a reputable Building Contractor, here in the __(name of area)__ area, known for completing quality projects on time and within budget.
Please allow me to introduce our company to you. __(Name of Organization)__ has been in business for over __(#)__ years. Customers such as __(list a couple of well known companies you do business with)__ give testimony to our quality services. Whether a __(type building)__ or a __(type building)__, we can take on projects of all sizes. The leaders of our dedicated team ensure each job is done to perfection, regardless of the size of the project.
__(Name of Organization)__ offers competitive pricing and we remain flexible to the needs of our customers. Some of our services include:
- __(List service #1 that is important to the client)__ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
- __(List service #2 that is important to the client) __ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
- __(List service #3 that is important to the client) __ – __(here give an explanation of how this will benefit the client)__.
Architects like yourself, can refer your clients to us without hesitation, knowing their building needs are well taken care of. We’d welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss the building contracting services we offer and will be in touch with you soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at__(phone #)__.