Dear …
We are privileged to have been able to __(briefly describe the work/service/project you did for customer)__ for you. Here at __(your company name)__, our team of professionals go to great lengths to ensure that we understand your needs well, in order to provide you with the best __(job/service/product)__ possible to match your special needs. We work hard to achieve the kind of results that our customers are happy with and are pleased that you have found your __(name of project)__to be exactly what you were looking for.
As a means of promoting our __(your type work/services)__, we are asking you for your permission to use photos of the __(name of project)__ that we __(completed/designed)__ for you. These images will be used on our website and in various marketing campaigns in an effort to promote our __(service/products)__. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to be able showcase our work by using photos of your __(name of project)__.
Please sign a copy of this letter and fax it to __(fax #)__, as your express authorization granting us permission to utilize photos of your __(name of project)__ as mentioned above. If you wish to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me personally at __(phone #)__ . Thank you for your consideration of our request.
__(your name)__
I do hereby authorize __(name of company)__ the right to use images of__(name of project)__ at their discretion for promotional purposes.
Signature of Authorized Representative
__(company name)__