Dear …
RE: Letter of Recommendation for (Name) - __(Type)__ Program
It is my pleasure to provide you with a Letter of Recommendation for__(first & last name)__. It is at __(name of university/organization)__ where I had the fortunate opportunity to get to know __(Name)__ as my __(student/under-study/fellow student/etc.)__ and have known __(him/her)__ now for__(#)__ years. Throughout the duration __(he/she)__ __(studied with/under --- worked with/for)__ me, I always found __(him/her)__ to be a very a pleasant individual who is both intelligent and conscientious as well as hard-working.
__(Name)__ is an ambitious individual who demonstrates enthusiasm in __(his/her)__ field and also possesses leadership skills. In addition to __(his/her)__ excellent scholastic accomplishments, __(he/she)__ has proven __(his/her)__ leadership ability by spearheading __(briefly describe project(s)__. __(He/she)__ is able to work well in a team environment while having the ability to lead a team to achieve the desired results.
__(Name’s)__ research experience and in-depth knowledge in the field of __(type field)__ has given __(him/her)__ the confidence to present various __(research/scholarly)__ projects at __(type)__ conferences across __(name city/state/country)__. __(He/she)__ is known for going into __(his/her)__ presentations highly motivated with an infectious enthusiasm that always adds to the success of __(his/her)__ presentations. __(Name’s)__ presentation skills have definitely become well honed and sharpened over the last __(# years/months)__.
__(Name)__ has also written __(articles/journals/papers) on __(subject type(s)__. __(Name of article/journal/paper)__ is a fine example of some of __(Name’s)__ excellent __(research/discoveries/work)__. With __(his/her)__ keen interest in the __(type field/program)__ and __(his/her)__ scholastic achievements, I have no doubt __(he/she)__ will continue to offer valuable contributions in the area of __(type field/research)__. It is with confidence that I say I believe you would find __(Name) to be a success to your __(post doctorate program/research program/etc.).
Given the opportunity to join the __(type) post doctorate program / (type) research program/etc.)__, I strongly believe that __(Name)__ will serve to make significant strides in the overall progress of __(type)__ research. I highly recommend __(him/her)__ for this __(program/position/etc)__.