Dear …
The time is fast approaching for our upcoming __(type of event)__, which takes place this year on __(date)__ at __(location)__. I am writing to you today to ask for your help with soliciting sponsors and participants for this event through the connections you have. With your help, we hope to get a greater number of participants out and increase sponsorship to make this fundraiser a success.
Kindly pass along to everyone you talk to, that this __(type of event)__ fundraiser will be dedicated to the __(type cause)__. All our sponsors will be highly recognized throughout the day for their contributions to this worthy cause. And not only will this be a fun day for all the participants, but they can also feel good about knowing they are contributing to __(results that funding this cause achieves – i.e. giving sight to a blind child)__.
I thank you in advance, __(Name)__, for your willingness to assist us in making our __(type of event)__ a success. Please find enclosed __(type of documentation enclosed)__. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at __(contact info.)__. I’d be happy to help you get started with soliciting both sponsorship and participation, as we work together to try to make this a success. Thanks again for your help.