Dear …
I am pleased to enclose your __(#)__ tickets to the __(name of fundraising Gala)__ on __(date)__. On behalf of __(name of organization)__ please allow me to extend my thanks to you for sponsoring this years’ __(name of cause fundraiser)__. Based on the number of ticket sales, it looks like this event is going to be a great success
__(Name of organization)__ is an organization that provides __(describe what the organization provides)__ for the __(type of cause)__. Over the years, we have seen some significant breakthroughs, such as __(briefly describe a couple of accomplishments)__. We have a long way to go, however, before we __(describe what ultimate goal is)__. Our goal __(this year/with this event/etc.)__ is to raise __($amount)__ for __(briefly describe where money will go - i.e. research).
We have a great __(day/evening)__ planned for this years’ __(name of Gala/Event)__. Along with __(a full course meal/food and refreshments/etc.)__, some of the entertainment will include __(briefly list a few attractions planned for this event)__. It should be an enjoyable
__(day/evening)__ for all. We look forward to seeing you there, __(name)__, and thank you, once again, for sponsoring our __(name of fundraiser)__.
Best regards,